Our new DBCC CheckDB module for Minion is out, and it’s everything we wanted it to be!
Minion CheckDB features:
– Table-based scheduling
– Custom snapshots
– Multi-threading
– Remote CheckDB
– Rotating (“round-robin”) CheckDB and CheckTable operations
– Extensive logging

By downloading this software, you agree to our End User License Agreement (EULA). So you should really read that.
Minion CheckDB completes the MinionWare maintenance and backups suite in style. Each solution is plug-and-play for the busy DBA, and deeply configurable for those shops with in-depth needs.
Watch the Introduction to Minion CheckDB Webinar for highlights of the product’s features!
This new module is MinionWare’s most ambitious free release yet, featuring all of the rich scheduling and logging functionality in previous products, plus remote CheckDB, multithreading, custom snapshots, rotational scheduling, and more.
Minion CheckDB is a stand-alone database integrity check module. Once installed, Minion CheckDB automatically checks all online databases on the SQL Server instance, and will incorporate databases as they are added or removed.
For CheckTable operations, you can configure rotating dynamic snapshots that drop and recreate every few minutes.
Totally free. Enjoy.